” To be without trees would, in the most literal way, to be without our roots”
Published on: June 25, 2023

Returning back to my home roots of Bristol City, after many years away, has evoked pleasant memories of my childhood, one in particular of being around a woodland habitat

Let me share one in particular!

Thanks to my uncle, who worked for the Bristol Forestry commission, back in the late 60s, I remember clearly visiting Leigh Woods Bristol on a regular basis with a notebook in hand to capture the all important fun lesson of our time spent together. I remember learning about all the different species of plants, wildlife and trees and what specific part they played within nature as a whole.

I look back now and consider myself how lucky I had been, to be equipped with the knowledge of how important our trees are, and  how vital  for our environment, providing oxygen and storing carbon, for stabilising our soil and giving life to the worlds wildlife.

So when you are visiting your urban park, or your local wood or forest, remember that it critical that these are preserved, and sustainability is managed across the world if we want our future generations to enjoy them.They will always give us a link between the past, present and future.

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” Albert Einstein